Kate’s Newborn Photos by Ashley Upchurch Photography

Hey Friends! We have a 2 MONTH OLD in our house… WHAT!?! In case you’re wondering, we’re still adjusting to life with a newborn but so far, so good! She’s sleeping 8+ hours straight a night (Thanks to Taking Cara Babies) and she’s eating (exclusively breastfed) like a champ. And guess what… I’m sharing our newborn photos today!

About 3 weeks in, one of my close friends came over and took the DREAMIEST newborn photos of Kate, Keith, and I in her nursery. I’ve been so excited to share these with you guys. Ashley is a GENIUS photographer and I can’t recommend her enough. She also shoots weddings and I kinda want to get married again so that I can hire her. If you’re in need of photography, you should definitely check her out (plus she travels)!

So without further ado, our newborn photos. This is just a portion because there were SO many amazing options. Can’t wait to print these babies out and hang them ALL over the house!


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