A Year In Review

So how long do you think its going to take for us to stop writing 2018 at the end of our dates… I’m going to give myself until April AT LEAST! You know you do it too. 2018 has been my favorite year yet, but I’m more than excited for 2019 and what I hope to accomplish during the next year. I know, technically, January 1 is JUST another day, but for some reason it feels like a reset button. I look forward to it as though all of 2018’s mistakes will be magically washed away. We all know they don’t, but it sure does feel nice to pretend.

On that note, I wanted to write a post about some of the BIG moments of 2018 and what I learned throughout the year. I also wanted to share some personal, familial, and business goals that I’ve set for myself for the coming year! Maybe they’ll inspire you or at the very least, telling you will keep me accountable. It’s a win, win!


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This year has been a BIG one for us. We paid ALL of our debts (except for the house), bought our first car together, and one other thing… OH YEAH! Kate! Pregnancy was a whole new adventure for me. At the beginning of 2018, I started to see my body change in ways it never has before. It’s totally a miracle, but I also know that it was a hard pill to swallow for me (as it is for many first time moms). I had a MAJOR surgery and had to give birth via C-section (read my full birth story here). But at the end of it all, I got KATE! Being a mom has taught me SO many things about myself that I didn’t know or refused to acknowledge. It’s also allowed me to get to know Keith in new ways. Being a parent is truly the BEST (hardest) gift in the world.

After I had Kate, I decided to get REALLY serious about my blog. Even though Kassy On Design has been active for over 3 years, I’ve been somewhat inconsistent with my level of commitment to its success. At the beginning of September 2018, I decided to kick it into HIGH gear and I couldn’t be more excited about the results.

It’s been a YEAR FULL! Which means I have a lot to review and think about. So, I thought I would share some of my teachable moments this year as well as the goals I’m setting for myself in 2019!!

What I Learned In 2018

Being Tired is Often a Choice. One thing I learned as I became a mom is that I had NO CLUE what ‘tired’ was before we had Kate. Now. I. Know. What that taught me is that in the past, I’ve put things off or decided not to do things because I was ‘tired’. What I really was was bored, or uninterested. And while I’m a HUGE advocate for taking a break, I don’t think life should be one perpetual break. Then you’ve become someone who DOESN’T do things and I never want to be labeled like that. I want to be someone who TRIES things or DOES things without hesitation.

I strive to be a person who sets goals and meets them. Sometimes that mean getting off my butt even though I’m ‘tired’! I honestly believe that sometimes when you’re tired, you just need to get up and move around. That is 100% easier said than done, but I’m striving to push past those moments when I feel tired but am really just bored and CREATE my own brain stimulating activity. When I really do need a rest, I will take it. But I’m challenging myself to know the difference between actually exhaustion and boredom!

It’s OK not to know what to do but it’s not ok to stay that way. This year has been one of questions. When we found out I was pregnant in 2017, the question came. And throughout my pregnancy and into motherhood, I’m faced with SO many moments where I honestly don’t know what to do. Through those experiences, I’ve been able to take learning to a whole new level. I’ve enjoyed my time researching and asking other women for help with my problems or questions. I love to learn, and I think it’s so important that we continue to do that throughout our lives. And it’s even more important to keep and open mind. Different people and different resources have different ideas and that’s 100% ok! It’s my job to gather all of the information and make the BEST decision for me and my circumstances.

Allowing ourselves to say ‘I don’t know’ is and important step. But we can’t stop at that step. If a child says ‘I don’t know how to tie my shoe’, are we satisfied with that? NO WAY. We proceed to teach the child how to do it themselves. Adults are no different. This year, I’m challenging myself to attempt the things that ‘I don’t know’ through education or trail and error. I won’t be satisfied with being stagnant!

You don’t have to apologize for your decisions. The above realization inspired this one. After learning about all of your options and making an education decision, there are going to people who disagree. That’s life and that’s 100% ok. But you are ONLY in charge of yourself and your family. You don’t have to be accountable to what anyone else thinks is right. I always strive to be thoughtful of other opinions but that’s all they are, opinions. And I will NOT let them define me. So, I think we can all stop apologizing. And on the flip side of that, we can keep our opinions to ourselves unless they’re asked for. Other peoples opinions are none of my business.

I will never understand the people who get on the internet to bash others. Moms are especially susceptible to this. I’m guilty too. We tend to think that the decisions that we’ve made are the ONLY RIGHT decisions. That’s just ridiculous. And even if we are right, is it helping someone else to degrade them and make fun of them for being wrong? Not. At. All. So in 2019, let’s stop apologizing and stop expecting other to apologize as well.

Goals Work for Me. I’ve never been a good goal setter. I’ve heard people talk about setting goals my whole life but only recently have I actually started doing it. I’m a type 3 on enneagram so I’m definitely a go-getter. But I’ve always just expected things of myself and never set actual goals. Recently I’ve started setting personal goals for my business (the blog) and I’ve realized that this 100% works for me. I’m motivated my self-competition! Who knew?!? (everyone who knows me, that’s who) I’ve just been ignoring it.

That’s why this year, I’ve decided to set some actual, tangible, achievable goals. I’m also allowing myself grace. If I don’t reach the goal, I’m not allowed to beat myself up. Only to keep going until I do!

Compassion and Connection. I mentioned my enneagram type above (I’m a three) and that probably sent those of you who know about enneagram running for the hills. I’m naturally self-motivated and typically run with my blinders on! Meaning I don’t naturally stop to help others on the way. Not because I don’t care, but because I honestly don’t realize that anyone else is even there. It’s a HUGE fault of mine and one that I’m 100% aware of and have been working on for years.

This year I’ve realize what a HUGE help starting a blog has been for me. I originally started because I wanted to do something for myself, but over time, it has become something I do because I’m passionate about YOU GUYS! I find the BIGGEST joys in helping you all with even the smallest of problems, like what to wear. And even more excitement when I can aid you in something big, like wedding planning or your first trip to DISNEY!

It has made me stop and think about what others would enjoy reading. And it has allowed me to connect with people and make new friends via the internet! Some of my very best friends (and cough cough, my husband) can tell you that I’m terrible at first impressions. Or I was. But being an ‘internet personality’ has challenged me to always be the person that I allow you guys to see on the internet. Someone who is genuinely warm, not afraid to be silly, and totally relatable. That’s the personal who I REALLY am, but sometimes when I meet someone in person, I feel the need to be protective of that person. In the past, that has made me come across cold to those who meet me. And that’s totally NOT who I am!

Seeing the changes that I’ve made in the past year in this area has been one of the BEST things. I’ve realized that God is SOOO amazing. He’s used something that I started for myself and turned it into something that allows me to love others more. And I pray that he continues to change me for the better through this journey! I love what he has done with Kassy On Design and I know that it would  be a failing, visit-less webpage without HIS guidance and continued grace.


I’ve obviously made HUGE leaps in personal development in the past year. How can I hope to surpass them? That’s whats so cool about God. He NEVER stops giving us opportunities for growth. So, I’ve set some personal, familial, and business goals for the next year and I want to share them with you to possibly inspire, but 100% keep me accountable. I can’t wait to revisit this post at the end of 2019 and share my accomplishments and where I fell short. I hope to be able to report that God has changed me yet again in ways I totally didn’t expect!


2019 Personal Goals

Spend at least 30 minutes a day REALLY engaging with Keith and Kate. You may be thinking, only 30 minutes? Or you could be thinking, that’s a ton! But in my current situation this is an attainable goal. Being a small business owner and a work from home mom means that I’m with Kate 24/7 and with Keith 60% of the time, but how much time to I actually spend 100% engaged with them. I’m always working on my blog or getting this and that done or answering emails. This year I hope to turn off the screens and spend time playing, working on new skills, and just enjoying each other everyday.  No TVs, No Phones, No distractions for at least 30 minutes a day. It’s a small thing, but I think it will be a HUGE thing in the end!

Spend time connecting with New and Old Friends. I’m a terrible friend when it comes to reaching out, staying in touch, and making time. If you’re my old friend and think that I don’t still love you, you’re 100% wrong. I’m just not good at loving on people who I don’t see or talk to regularly. This year, my goal is to be more intentional about connecting with those I don’t see often. Making lunch dates, chatting via text, etc!

Do Whole30 at least twice this year. Keith and I are getting ready to start our second round of Whole30 (first for 2019, duh). If you didn’t read my recap of our first round, you can do that here. Basically, I LOVE the way it makes me feel. I feel clean, energized, and healthy. It cuts out all of the processed foods and allows your body to reset itself. I didn’t realize hoe many of my aches, pains, and issues were products of my diet. We’re not perfect, so we can’t eat whole30 every single day forever. But for 30 days, twice in 2019, I’d like to commit to being a healthier caregiver to this body of mine!


2019 Familial Goals

Meet with someone at an Adoption Agency. It’s no secret that Keith and I want to adopt a child (possibly several). It’s something that we feel God has called us to do. We also know that adoptions take LOTS of time and LOTS of money. This summer, Kate will turn 1 and Keith and I have decided that it’s time to start thinking about baby #2. For us, this means researching and finding and agency that we’re interested in working with and making an appointment to talk to someone about the process and what to expect. It make take 2 more years, or it could happen quickly. God has a plan for us, of that we are sure. But it’s our job to make the first move.

Pay off at least 1/2 of our Car Loan. We hate debt. Our goal is to always be debt free. This year, we were able to pay off all of our student loans and the small loan that my grandparents gave us for the downpayment on our home. We had a 5 year payback plan and God allowed us to do it in 2! So we’ve set a BIG goal to pay off the remainder of our car loan in 2 years. This year we hope to pay off at least half. I’m so blessed to have a husband who is very diligent in managing our finances. We do our best to stick to a budget and be responsible with God’s money and he has been faithful to reward us when we do!

Go on at least 1 date (without Kate) per month. To say Kate is the center of our tiny universe would be an understatement. Everything we do now, revolves around or involves her in someway. This goal is no different. Keith and I believe that the most important thing you do for your child, is love your spouse more and put them first. We have both grown up with great examples of this and hope to instill these values in our children as well.

It’s so easy to plan out all of the wonderful thing that you will do with and for your child, but often a chore to try and devote time for your marriage. Our very attainable goal is to go out on a date (it could be something as simple as a trip to Chick Fil A) once a month without Kate. We will probable spend all of our time talking about her, but at least it’s a start! Maybe not talking about Kate will be next year’s goal!

2019 Business Goals

Reach 50k on Instagram. This is a HUGE, possibly unattainable goal I’ve set for myself. Instagram is a POWERFUL platform and one that allows me to connect with so many of you all. But, honestly, it’s super hard to grown on IG. I won’t get into why it’s hard, but just know that it is. For the longest time, I’ve just allowed myself to sit at 12k and be happy. Which is TOTALLY GREAT. And what I needed in those moments. But this year, I want to grow! I want to create a network of women that can share with each other through the good times and bad! I’ve started small by challenging myself to grow 1k in January. We’ll see how that goes and try to get even more in February!

Please know that I appreciate every single like, comment, save, and DM that I receive. You guys are helping me to achieve my goals and I love you for that! Follow me HERE if you aren’t already!

Connect more with Other Bloggers. It’s so easy to get too self-involved and crawl in a hole when you’re a blogger. Everything is done on the internet so aside from the photoshoots, I do everything from the comfort of my desk. I had the pleasure of getting to meet up and spend time with some local bloggers this year and it was a BLAST. Connecting with other who have similar professional goals and aspirations as I do is so refreshing! I hope to do this more and make some GREAT girl-boss friends in 2019!

Attend a Blogging Conference. I can’t believe I haven’t taken the time to do this yet. When I’ve had the opportunity, it’s always been SOMETHING. This year, I hope to save up some money and attend a great blog/entrepreneur centered conference. Right now, I’m thinking Create Cultivate is a great option. My friend, Meag from Twenty Two Lane went last year and has nothing but great things to say! I’m hoping to follow her back this year!



So there they are! I’m super excited for what 2019 has for me and for YOU GUYS! Kassy On Design is just getting started!