GIFT GUIDES: The Kate List

Is it November already? I’m kind of relieved because October was CRAY but also I know that the next 2 months are going to go by SO quickly and then we’re going to have a baby! WOAH! ANOTHER ONE! 

But let’s not get ahead of ourselves quite yet. We still have the one that we need to take care of! And BOY am I excited about this Christmas. She was 6 months old last year and it was a blast. I can only imagine how much more fun it’s going to be waking up on Christmas morning and watching her excitement this year! The good news is that she’s VERY easily impressed which means I don’t need to overload her with toys or spend a ton of money to get those happy giggles! 

I’ve put together a great list of gifts for toddler girls! I few of these will certainly translate to boys as well, but hopefully I’ll get better at boy gifts as Max grows up! I’ll be reviewing the items that I DO have on stories as well, so don’t miss that! You can just click on the photo of the item or the link below with the descriptions to shop! 


1| Slippers – Keith recently brought home some $5 unicorn slippers from Walmart when he and Kate went on a grocery run. To say she’s a little obsessed would be an understatement. She asks for them every morning and every night! It’s the cutest thing. I’m hoping to get her another pair for when she grows out of the Unicorn ones. I love the idea of the ‘boot’ style because I think they’ll stay on her feed better! 


2| Little People, Big Dreams – The CUTEST series of Children’s Books. We picked up the Coco Chanel one last year, but I’m looking forward to getting more and more and teaching Kate all about different kinds of successful women! 


3| Dock a Tot Grand – I discussed this a few weeks ago on stories when we got our shipment in. I’m SO SO SO excited about this! We loved our Dock A Tot deluxe when Kate was tiny, but this one is perfect for a toddler learning to sleep in a regular bed. That is a mountain we hope to climb next spring or summer and the Grand is going to be my secret weapon. Not to mention, we plan on using this as Kate’s bed when we travel! 

4| Y-Bike – I picked one of these up at a consignment sale recently and Kate is just now able to touch the ground with her tiny feet and she LOVES riding it around the kitchen. I think it’s about time we move it outside, actually. What I love is that it has a 360 degree turn radius so she can maneuver it on her own pretty easily! Of course, any outdoor riding toy would be a GREAT gift! 


5| Stacking Cups – I grabbed a set of these at Ikea last week to use as a stocking stuffer. This is a great option for bath toys, or something to bring to a restaurant to entertain a bored kid (beed there)! 

6| Pottery Barn Anywhere Chair – Thanks to my bestie who gave us one of her old chairs, we’ve been using our Anywhere Chair for a while now. Kate LOVES it. For the longest time, Keith insisted that we get her a chair for the living room and I shrugged him off. But he was right. Girlfriend will sit in her chair and watch Disney all morning long while I get some much needed work done! It’s been a HUGE help! It comes in TONS of stylish colors and fabrics too. And the covers are removable and washable. I ended up with the Gray Stars one but was super close to getting the gray fur! 


7| Bitty Baby – This is the baby doll version of the American Girl Dolls. When I got my first American Girl, Kelsey got a Bitty Baby. Her name was Lizzie and she was OBSESSED. So Kelsey couldn’t help herself and she bought Kate a Lizzie doll of her own! Especially over the last few months, Kate has really enjoyed putting her baby ‘nigh nigh’ and giving her a bottle! I think it’s going to be a REAL help when Max is around and Kate needs a baby of her own! 

8| Finger Puppets – I also picked these up at Ikea the other day. They’re a little different from these but super similar! I love that these come in a pack of 20, which means you can split them between kids or give them as gifts! The perfect stocking stuffer! 

9| Play Kitchen – We’re saving this for Kate’s birthday in June but I’ve already had my eye on several cute kitchens. They get cuter every year. I also love the ikea one and have seen a TON of great DIY options to spruce that one up! 


10| Gym Mat – I grabbed this at Ikea too (I went a little cray at ikea) and I LOVE this ombre pink mat. It also comes in green and is MUCH cheaper in store if you live near an ikea! Kate is going to start dance and tumbling in the next year and I think it’ll be such a fun thing to have around! 


11| Plates, Cups, & Utensils – So this is more of a gift for me. We need some more toddler sized cutlery and plates around here. But I think Kate will be equally thrilled by the bright colors! 

12| Tiny Purse – Kate is ALLLLLLL girl. So sassy and already loving dress up. She wears things around her neck as necklaces and loves a good hat! So, I thought a tiny purse would be a fun addition to her dress up wardrobe! I’m really on the hunt for a tiny LV speedy (fake of course) but I haven’t found one yet! 


13| Busy Bags – I’m in LOVE with this idea. Kate has been difficult at restaurants lately and the one rule I stand by is NO SCREENS AT THE TABLE. That does not count our endless number of TV dinners at home. But when we go out, I want our whole family to engage. So something like these bags of toys that would keep her occupied is a WIN! Also great for traveling!