Newton – The ONLY baby Mattress I Trust

The nursery is coming together so quickly now! It’s one of the most fun things I’ve ever gotten to design (and you know, I do that for a living)! It’s been all about pink, and greenery, and lots of quaint little touches. One of the things that I didn’t realize about nursery design is how many safety issues arise when you’re talking about a space for a newborn who is going to grow into a toddler and then a child!

There are so many RULES these days about what you are and aren’t supposed to have in a child’s rooms. Furniture must be bolted to the wall, plexiglass only in picture frames, and don’t you dare hang a self above a crib for fear of falling objects. It’s kind of overwhelming, honestly. But, I want my home to be as safe as possible for baby girl and so I’ve been taking notes.

This biggest thing that has stuck out to me is sleeping arrangements and crib regulations. Crib bumpers have been outlawed recently and obviously until your child is older, NOTHING can be in the crib with them while they sleep. Not even a loose blanket (I’m loving these swaddles and this sleepsack as an alternative)! So that pretty much outlaws all cute bedding and reminds me that the most important thing that your baby comes in contact with when they sleep is their MATTRESS.

My sister (the baby research guru) and I came across several great options and after comparing and comparing, we decided that a Newton Baby mattress was the ONLY way to go! Keep reading for all the reasons that I’m in LOVVVVEEE with this mattress.


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Researching baby gadgets has become a pretty normal pastime in the Randazzo house. And we spent days and days researching mattresses for our little bundle of joy (stress and anxiety is more like it)! I first heard about the Newton WovenAir Baby Mattress from my friend, Brittany Comeaux. She has a fantastic blog and she talked about some of the reasons why she chose the Newton for her toddler! Here is a link to her post. She chatted about how eco-friendly is was and that it is 100% washable! The washable part definitely caught my attention.

The mattress guts (lol) are actually made from a woven polymer that creates a springy, comfortable surface for your little one. It’s then wrapped in their cloud cover, a cozy 2 layer breathable fabric that’s completely machine washable. To wash it, all you have to do is unzip and remove the cloud cover, throw that in the washing machine, and then spray/bathe your polymer insert. They suggest standing it up in the shower but you could even take it outside and hose it off! Talk about awesome. Mattresses can get so gross, so fast. Especially with little ones and potty-training toddlers. No need for squeaky plastic mattress covers!

The part that I’m obsessed with though, is the breathability. The mattress is actually 90% air and 10% woven air polymer and the cover is extremely porous and breathable as well. You can seriously BURY your head in the thing and still breathe through it. This reduces the risk of SIDS and suffocation for your little one. Plus, you’ll feel better know that a crazy killer person enters your home, they WON’T be able to suffocate you with the baby mattress (lol).

On top of all that goodness, it has no foam, latex, glue, or springs that a lot of other baby mattresses have which means no off-gassing or chemicals. Good for the environment and even better for your little one! I love that this mattress is so safe and efficient while still be comfortable as well. It’s soft enough for a toddler but firm enough for the tiniest of humans as well!

Newton recommends using the Aden & Anais breathable crib sheet with mattress because of it’s added breathability and quality. I’ve already registered for several of these for my Newton Mattress.

I am so pleased to have found this wonderful mattress and the company that makes it. I’ll sleep easier know that Baby Kate is sleeping safely. For more info on the design of the Newton Baby Mattress, check out their website.

I’m thinking about doing a post on ‘What I Registered For’! Is this something you guys would like to see? Let me know in the comments!