Back before I had Kate, I did an entire post on how and why we chose our stroller/travel system. So, I figured it was only fair to share that we sold that stroller and got a new one! One that I think works 100x better for our family as it is now. And one that we’re already OBSESSED with.

So here are the problems with my previous system.
- It had a two part fold as a double stroller. Meaning in order to make it a double, I had to carry around a frame and seat, plus a second seat. To break it down, I had to remove at least one seat and store it separately. It’s just an extra step that I’d rather avoid.
- Because of the two part fold, it took up over half of the back end of my Toyota 4runner. As a single, it wasn’t so bad, but with the extra pieces it felt SO large. Collins (or chocolate lab) rides in the back end when we travel and her space was VERY limited with the stroller and any travel bags we took with us. We had to use our luggage add on any time we went anywhere for more than a week.
- It’s HEAVY. Super heavy. I was able to do it by myself but it felt like a million pounds.
There were a few other reasons, but with the amount that we’re traveling back and forth to my parents house, I knew that we needed something more compact.
When researching for our new stroller, I read post after post and even joined a stroller group on facebook (Stroller Queens Stroller Swap – best group if you have any questions). I eventually settled on a Side by Side (SBS) stroller for several reasons. I previously had a tandem (one in front of the other) and felt like I was pushing a bus sometimes. Plus, I wanted something that would grow with us better, and the bucket seats in Tandem strollers had a much lower weight limits.
Like I mentioned above, almost all tandem strollers require a two part fold. If we travel and have to break it down at any point, two of us will have to carry parts and we also have kids to manage. YES. We can rent when we get there, but if we can use our own stroller, I’d much rather do that!
I also imagined going to Disney in the future and loved the idea of not having to lift one of the kids super high to get into that upper seat. When they’re a bit older, they’ll be able to crawl in and out of the seats of a SBS on their own.
So what did we choose? The Valcobaby Snap Duo Trend and I’m obsessed. So let me get into why. There are so many reasons, but I’ll hit the big ones.
- The Snap Duo Trend is a SBS stroller that fits through any standard door frame. I’ve tried it out and had ZERO trouble so far. My kids LOVE sitting next to each other!
- The seats sit up nearly straight AND offer full individual recline. One of the issues I ran into with SBS strollers that that the seats that reclined didn’t sit up all the way straight. We have a single stroller like this and Kate is always struggling to pull herself upright. I wanted a seat that sat up straight and the Snap Duo Trend is the BEST one I’ve seen.
- Another SBS issue is storage. Naturally, the more compact they try and make a double stroller, the less storage space you get. I enjoy having lots of space to store my diaper bag and anything else I accumulate along the way. The Valco has the largest storage basket of any of the SBS strollers I’ve seen. And its easier to access as well. I went to Target yesterday and was easily able to store my diaper bag and a bunch of Christmas Decor that I 100% didn’t need!
- Individual seat movement is key. I mentioned the individual recline above, but everything about the seats is individual. The leg rests raise and lower, the belly bars can come off (or be replaced with a snack tray) and you have several peek-a-boo spots when they’re sitting straight and laying down. The canopies are also a great example of this. They are individual canopies that have two positions to help block more of the sun. And to get to the second, lower position is as easy as unzipping it! Much more aesthetically pleasing than the pull out sun shades in my opinion.
- THE FOLD! It is such an easy compact fold, you guys! One thing I LOVE is that the seats fold in on themselves. A lot of SBS strollers fold down so that the seats and areas that your kids sit are on the outside of the fold. But the Valco Snap Duo Trend folds into itself, protecting all of the areas that your kids touch. It’s a one hand fold meaning that you only takes one hand to push the buttons on the handlebar to fold.
- It only weighs 24lbs!!!! And it has a built in strap to carry it on your shoulder and two handles to lift it into your car. THIS is the one thing that I think all strollers should have. A carry strap. And the fact that the Valco does, put it over the top for me!
There are so many other amazing features about this stroller that really sold me on its versatility and usability. If you’re in a position where you have a tiny baby and a toddler, you can actually switch one of the seats (or both) for a bassinet. They also have carseat adaptors. Talk about awesome. I’m kind of wishing I would’ve had this one all along, honestly.
Not to mention it has STYLE. I haven’t found another single-piece fold SBS that looks as luxurious as this one. It comes in 4 colors. I have the denim blue but I also loved the charcoal. They were out of charcoal when I purchased, but I love then denim! And the leatherette bars really take it to the next level.
We could not be more pleased. And how cute do my kiddos look in it? I LOVE THEM! And this stroller!
There is a tiktok video below with a closer look at the stroller and all of it’s features as well as a few close up photos!
@kassyrandazzo They see me rolling… all the way to the ball! @valcobabyusa for the WIN! ##momwin ##cinderellachallenge ##momsoftiktok ##babygear ##strollergang
♬ original sound – Kassy Randazzo