The closet renovation is coming along so well. We’re weeks away from moving in and the chandelier went up last week! I’ve been dreaming of an oversized, statement making chandelier since this project started and I’m so pleased by the one I chose. I LOVE IT! But I scoured the internet and lighting galleries for months trying to make the right (and a budget friendly) decision. So I rounded up a few of my favorite oversized chandeliers under $1000 in case you’re in the market as well.

Lighting can make or break a space, but it can also make or break a budget. Some of my very favorite chandeliers, like this one, were WELL over my budget. I wanted to keep my fixture between $500-$1000. So I searched for MONTHS. And I’ve seen it all. And so I thought I’d keep you from having to search quite as long and share my favorites. ‘

Shop The Oversized Chandeliers Under $1000:
- Remingston Brass Chandelier $799
- Modern Collared Baton Chandelier $849
- Hayes Chandelier (MINE) $599
- Marcel Gesso Shaded Chandelier $606
- Reynolds Black Shaded Chandelier $679
- Auberdeen 9-light Brass Chandelier $765
- Madelyn Oval Faceted Chandelier $748
- Black & Brass Wheel Chandelier $509