I recently decided to spend a little time and money on my little office space (aka desk in the living room)! As a full time mom and designer/content creator, I spend a lot of time at my desk and it was getting cluttered and feeling drab. So with a few items I sourced from Amazon (duh), my space is feeling revitalized and I’m feeling a bit more productive.
Giving your workspace a little makeover can go a long way in aiding your productivity. So whether you work from home or in an office, I encourage you to spend a little time on the space where you spend up to 8 hours of your day. Make it happier, more organized, and maybe even a little bit cuter and you’ll be surprised at how much more enjoyable you’ll find your time spent there.

1| Rainbow Felt Tipped Pens. I’ve been a felt tipped pen girl since college. One of my favorite teachers in High School (Hellllloooo Ms G – now P) always used these style felt tipped pens and something about them just felt right to me. So when I started note taking in college, having a lot of colors kep tme organized, or at the very least, entertained. Flash forward to now where I MUST have these in order to keep my daily planner happy and color coded! I’ve tried a ton of different kinds and these Amazon ones are one of the best! The amazon ones are currently out of stock but I also love these.
2| Acrylic Riser. I’ve had this in my cart for a while. It’s the priciest of the items that I grabbed but it’s probably my favorite. I love the it lifts my monitor off of my desk so that I can put things under it. And the clear acrylic just makes things look cleaner to me. I also think this would be fantastic in a closet to double you shoe storage! Or you could put it in a kitchen with cookbooks under it and you utensils on top. Endless possibilities! I have the skinnier one but it looks like it’s out of stock. Here is a link to the wider one as well.
3| Leather Desk Mat. These are kind of old school to me. I remember my grandfather having one in his office at the church when I was a little girl. They also had the silicone ones for a while too! But I LOVE this white leather one. I can’t keep up with a mouse pad. My toddler runs away with everything I don’t tie down, but this mat doubles as a mouse pad as well. It covers the majority of my workspace and I love the white. Everything looks cleaner to me!
4| Cable Box Cord Organizer. I’ve talked about this several times but it’s because it’s that good. The Tiktok I did about this one has over 1 million views and hundreds of happy customers. I’m sure there are a ton of ways to hide wires but this one is functional and aesthetically pleasing. What I did before I bought this baffles me. I just stared at cords all day long, I think! It comes in a set of two. It’s a great options for those gaming systems as well!
5| iPhone Compatible Stylus. To be honest, I’ve been really jealous of people with iPad Pros, procreate, and the apple pen. And then I saw someone using a stylus with their iphone and I thought, DUH! So I got one. It makes doing instagram stories so much easier. I also love using it to edit photos. I can select items or colors much more precisely! You can also download Procreate Pocket and have a little go at that! If you don’t know what Procreate it, you probably haven’t made it to ‘small business’ tiktok yet!