2021 was a great year for me. I went from primarily sharing Amazon finds (which I loved, but always felt like it wasn’t my true calling) to buying a new house that needed LOTS of work. The new house meant my content focus was directed back to my passion, home design and DIY! And boy am I EXCITED about all that 2022 has in store for me, my blog, and you guys.
I plan to take you guys along every step of the way! So I thought I would outline the projects that we are hoping to tackle this year, time and budget willing. That way you’ll know what you have to look forward to. These are all more broad projects that likely involve lots of smaller DIYs along the way!
I’m going to share so photos of each space as they are now. Messy and misused. So don’t judge me, ok??? Our storage is minimal here and even worse because there is no closet and bathroom downstairs for Keith and I. But even, so. This is real life. Bad lighting, not clean, unfiltered real life!
So let’s get into it!
1. Master Closet
This project is already well underway and getting more real by the day! If you haven’t already read it, here is the post where I outline my vision for this space.
The trim work (cabinets and built-ins) are scheduled to start next week. After that we can paint, put in floors, lights, and finishing touches! I cannot wait to have the closet of my dreams. I planning to install the floor myself and even DIY a leather ottoman!

2. Master Bathroom
I keep meaning to get to a blog post that outlines this space. Maybe I’ll do that next week. But plumbing starts on the space tomorrow!!!! After that, we have a window to add, drywall, ceiling, cabinets, tiling the shower and floor, and much more! I want to add some fun features in the water closet (toilet room) like maybe some fun wallpaper. So lots of fun stuff to come in this space.

3. Adding a Pantry
There is a small pantry in the entry way but I’d like to convert our current utility room into a nice, walk in pantry. My dream is to include a countertop work area that can serve as the coffee bar. Our kitchen is decent size, but I’d love to get as many of the small appliances out of it as possible to free up space!
It’s currently serving as a walk through to our future master bathroom and a catch all space. There used to be a door there but it will be closed up very soon. Once we get settled in the master bath and closet, we can free up some of this space to start the pantry project.

4. Expanding the Laundry Space
As it currently stands, the laundry and pantry are two small closets on one wall. My plan is that once the pantry is relocated, I can knock out the wall that divides the two closets, I can make it one large laundry closet. I’ll be able to make some space for laundry storage, a workspace for folding, and an area for laundry basket storage! This is going to change the way our house functions and I couldn’t be more excited!
I can’t decide whether I want to keep a stackable washer/dryer or go back to my side by side. I love that the stackable allows a TON more space in that closet. I’d love to know if any of you have experience with both.

5. The Playroom
IS CURRENTLY A DISASTER. End of story. Our larger bonus space upstairs (that was originally the master bedroom) is serving as Keith’s and my closet and bathroom. Not to mention there is ZERO toy storage currently and everything is a cluster. I hope to change out that carpet (not sure to what yet) and add some built ins in the space. Built ins with CLOSING DOORS to hide the mess, of course. The space needs paint for sure and I’m dreaming of a dark pocket of color up there! I can’t even go upstairs without a wave of stress, so maybe this should be the project I tackle next.

6. My Office Space
The dining room is currently serving as an office space for me. Meaning, we don’t have a dining room table at all. We pull out a folding plastic table when we need a decent sized surface to eat on (i.e when our coffee table just won’t do). I’m hoping to make the upstairs space a double use office/playroom. Whether that means turning the larger closet up there into my cloffice or adding a wall to section the two areas off. I have no idea yet. But again, when we move all of our clothes down to their rightful place in the dream closet, I hope to have a better idea of how to use the upstairs space efficiently.
I can only post the above photo/space once for my sanity.
7. Dining Table/Dining Room
When my desk moves upstairs, I can finally buy or build an actual dining table and finish out our dining space. Won’t that be nice. Do you see how my projects are a domino affect of moving stuff around to make space for more stuff? It’s a slippery slope, but it all must be done eventually. My dream is to build my own dining table. ULTIMATE DIY GIRL BOSS STUFF, in my opinion. This space needs paint, baseboards, art, and new lighting. This space feels like an easy fix, really. Other than the whole, making a dining table, thing.

8. Kate & Max’s Room
I hope to switch Max to a big boy bed sometime this spring or summer. He’s currently sleeping in his pack&play because I was too lazy to put a crib together know that I wanted to completely redo the space soon-ish. The kid’s rooms have carpet. I really would like to extend the wood floor from the main floor into their rooms. It only makes sense, really. Then some paneling or some kind of wall treatment that matches in both rooms. But of course, lots of pink and girl stuff in Kate’s and a more neutral boy vibe for Max. The only thing I know for sure is that I want two twin beds in Max’s room and a funky wall paper in Kate’s room. I can’t wait to start planning these spaces. Kid’s rooms are my favorite. They’re a great space to take a design risk because you’ll probably have to redo it every 5 or so years.

This mostly means painting the orange house anything but orange. It’s like someone painted a really small area of the house and then bought 52 gallons before realizing they hated it. I’ll likely go white although I’m itching to go dark. But first we have to see if it’s even in the cards budget wise. Since we have an attached guest house that will have to be painted as well, it’s a bit larger than a normal house. I also want to strip or wrap the beams that extend from inside to outside in a deep neutral wood tone to accent the exterior. I truly can’t wait to come home to a not orange house!

10. The Living Room
The living room and main open space needs a paint job and new baseboards/trim really bad. In addition to that, I want to add some built ins on either side of the massive fireplace. And I have a funky, fun, moody dream for the little sunroom attached the the living room. Another space that I can’t wait to transform.

I wish that I had just exhausted all of the projects in our home, but that’s really not even half. In 2023, we’re looking at a kitchen reno, 2 bathrooms, adding a pool bath, the staircase, and the ENTIRE guest house! So this is your sign to get comfy and tag along on this awesome adventure we’re on! Can’t wait to do this together, you guys!!!
Which project are you most looking forward to watching?