Gift Guide: The Fashionista

Christmas is coming, everyone. I know it’s only November 11th, but before we know it, lights will be twinkling and we will all be singing ‘Silent Night. This year, I’m trying to get the jump on Christmas gifts for friends and family because there is a certain wedding and honeymoon that will be occupying me at the “crucial shopping time.” I mean, who chose to get married on Black Friday… oh wait, thats me!

So, to help you (and me) out, I will be posting ‘Gift Guides’ throughout November and December. Today we’re looking at gifts for the FASHIONISTA. We all know that girl (I think my fam would place me in this category) who loves everything fashion and trendy. This one is for her. I’ve linked lots of options that I would LOVE to receive myself (hint, hint friends and family) and that I’m sure your fashion savvy girlfriend would as well.


I’ve given you a lot of great options at a lot of different price points. This sweater is AWESOME and only $27 dollars. Not to mention it comes in 5 or 6 colors. Your fashionista would LOVE it, trust me.

Every girl needs a bucket bag. They are the wonderful stylish blackhole of purses. I can fit anything and everything in mine and I opt for everything. If you’re fashionista needs sunnies, these round Ray Bans are on my wishlist this year. as is all of the jewelry from Bauble Bar. Seriously ladies, BAUBLE BAR! Enough said.

Scarves and wristlets are a great option for the fashionista you may not know as well but still feel the need to give a Christmas gift.

I can think of at least 5 moms of teenager girls that would love any piece on this board (cough, cough Mrs. Chandra – you’re welcome my fashionista prodigy, Abigail). So get a head start and stay tuned for even more great gift ideas coming your way in the next several weeks.


Click the pics below to shop these items for your FAV Fashionista: 




  1. 11.12.15
    Chandra said:

    Love everything on this post and I know Abigail will be very happy if I pick up some of these items for Christmas :). Great Job Kassy!!!

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