If you’re a Kassy On Design ‘OG’ reader, then you might remember reading a blog post about this little corner of my home about 2 years ago – READ IT HERE. It was one of the first posts I made after moving into our home. I turned what was an Ugly (sorry, I said it) built into into something MUCH less offensive to the eye. I painted it, changed the hardware, added some lights, and styled the shelves. And for the last two years, it’s stayed exactly like that.

As you live in a space over time, you start to realize what it is that you truly need and how you would or could change your space to better fit your lifestyle. And one of the things we didn’t have and truly needed was a dedicated office or desk space. We have a desk in our sunroom but that space is open to the rest of main living space. With both Keith and I working a bit more from home than we did before, we needed to be able to shut the door and the kids (love em, but they’re loud) out!
So after discussing several possibilities, we decided that this built it would be better served as a desk space. While a decorative shelf is great, it’s not really ‘functional’ and there is no real reason for these shelves in our bedroom. They’re pretty but they collect a lot of dust. You know I am a huge fan of closed storage as well. So, my mission for this space was to create a desk space with closed storage while still making it a ‘moment’. This is what you see when you look through our bedroom door from our main space, so it’s gotta look good!

I was able to re-use just about every piece of wood that I tore out of the original built in plus a sheet of plywood and a couple of trim boards. So it was a fairly inexpensive project overall. I added a few details like the brass railing on the exposed shelf and a gorgeous sconce from pottery barn. As for the color, I wanted bold and maybe it’s because it’s trending or maybe it’s because it’s Christmas, but red was SCREAMING my name! Find all the links and details below!

Color: Custom mix! Here are the details.

Doors/Drawers: Oxbow Millworks
All the Decor is THRIFTED! And Boy am I proud of that!